Thursday, 20 October 2011


Dear Friend, there is no question we are living in difficult times. We are pressed on every side. You may be hurting at this very moment. You may feel abandoned and that you have been left alone to face the giants in your life. Regardless if you are experiencing financial hardship, emotional stress, loss of a love one, or a traumatic event please know that God has not forsaken you. We pray that over the next few minutes as you read the following words of encouragement you will be filled with new hope.
Sometimes when we are going through difficult circumstance we also experience emotions that we find hard to understand. In those times our inspiration seems to grow wings and fly away into some foreign land. Just because you experience these emotions does not mean you are away from God. You are out of your comfort zone. So many times we as Christians think that if we experience any kind of hurt, pain, or difficult circumstance that we must not be walking right with God.
Joseph was walking right before God and ended up in prison. (Genesis 37:18-27) I am sure to Joseph at first it seemed that he had been utterly forsaken. His very own brothers had first conspired to kill him, but opted to sell him into slavery instead. Perhaps Joseph even had a thought he would have been better off had they killed him. It seems a lot of us have felt that way at times, but it is simply not true. That is hurt and pain talking. Have you been hurt by a fellow brother or sister in the church or family member in your home? Maybe they hurt you just as Joseph’s brothers had hurt him. You may have found yourself even wondering how this person could do something to hurt you in such a way and be called a child of God. Maybe it was a family member and you find yourself now struggling with tying to understand how someone so close to you could bring that kind of pain to you. It is one thing to deal with an attack from the enemy but when you are dealing with the hurt or betrayal of a brother or sister it is even more difficult and accompanied with opportunity for confusion. After all this is just not supposed to happen, right? So when it does we usually ask why God, why is this happening. If you have been struggling with the divesting hurt or pain caused by another you will be inspired as we continue to look at Joseph. You see dear friend you are not the only one that has struggled with these thoughts or feelings.
I can only imagine the emotions that Joseph must have dealt with as the hurt and pain of knowing it was not a stranger but his very brothers that threw him into that pit. I am sure he cried out for them to lift him out of there. One of his brothers actually wanted to rescue him and take him back to their father. Look below at verse 22 of Genesis 37. He was the one that insisted they not kill him, but urged them to throw him into the pit instead.
(KJV) And Reuben said unto them, Shed no blood, but cast him into this pit that is in the wilderness, and lay no hand upon him; that he might rid him out of their hands, to deliver him to his father again

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